Boris Andrews. Topic: structure-preserving discretisations in time. Co-supervised with Wayne Arter.
Aaron Baier-Reinio. Topic: discretisations for multicomponent flow.
Mingdong He. Topic: preconditioners in fluid mechanics.
Kars Knook. Topic: preconditioners in multicomponent flows.
India Marsden. Topic: compiler techniques for exotic finite element discretisations.
Umberto Zerbinati. Topic: modelling and discretisation of smectic liquid crystals.
Lenka Košárková (Charles University Prague). Topic: modelling and discretisation of multicomponent physiological flows.
Visiting MSc students
Arselane Hadj-Slimane. Home university: ENS Saclay. Topic: shape optimisation in the presence of multiple solutions.Matěj Vais. Home university: Charles University Prague. Topic: simulation of power-law fluids with low power-law index.
Gonzalo Gonzalez de Diego. Topic: Viscous contact problems in glaciology. DPhil viva: 2023-09-05. Co-supervised with Ian Hewitt. Next step: a postdoctoral position with Georg Stadler at NYU.
Thomas Roy. Postdoctoral topic: nonlinear solvers in reservoir models. Next step: a postdoc with Victor Beck, then a permanent appointment as Staff Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Alberto Paganini. Postdoctoral topic: shape optimisation. Next steps: a departmental lectureship in Oxford, then a permanent lectureship at the University of Leicester.
Teresa Kyrke-Smith. Postdoctoral topic: inverse problems in glaciology, co-advised with Hilmar Gudmundsson at the British Antarctic Survey. Next step: HM Civil Service.
Àlex Ferrer. Visited Jul 2022 to Jul 2023, funded by a grant from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the Catalan government.
Maryam Parvizi. Visited Apr 2023 to Apr 2024, funded by a Humboldt Fellowship and Leibniz University Hannover.
Benjamin Castellaz. Topic: high-order structure-preserving discretisations and solvers for the Oberbeck-Boussinesq equations. 2024 MSc thesis on the Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing course. Next step: a PhD with Nicole Radde and Andrea Barth at the Institute for Stochastics and Applications at the University of Stuttgart.
Isaac Newell. Topic: bifurcation analysis of two coupled 3D Bose-Einstein condensates. 2021 Summer project funded by an LMS Undergraduate Research Bursary. Next step: a DPhil scholarship at the Mathematical Institute with Luc Nguyen and Gui-Qiang Chen.
Andrew Wilson. Topic: multigrid preconditioners for the Onsager-Stefan-Maxwell equations. 2022 MMSC project. Next step: a research assistantship with Samar Khatiwala and Coralia Cartis.